Arizona Federation of Music Clubs
An affiliate of the National Federation of Music Clubs
Promoting music and the arts in Arizona for over 100 years!
Welcome to the Arizona Federation of Music Clubs
The Arizona Federation of Music Clubs was founded in 1921 as part of the National Federation of Music Clubs. Our organization is dedicated to finding and encouraging musical talent through annual Federated Music Festivals and the awarding of scholarships to students.
We welcome teachers, performers and music lovers to join.
AZFMC Award Winners
Welcome to AZFMC! Everyone has a reason why they join something. Let me share with you why I belong to AZFMC! I love the objective of this organization to develop a working relationship with other music clubs and organizations and individuals in the State of Arizona who work directly or indirectly promoting music and the arts. I believe that good quality music is a gift for everyone. AZFMC provides a venue for all types of musicians and artists to develop and participate. The proficient along with the non-proficient. We all benefit having music a part of our life! I look forward to working with you!
– Cheryl Langley
AZFMC President
Music is for everyone!
AZFMC provides musical opportunities for musicians and students of all ages.
Piano Recital and Master Class with Anna Han
Saturday, September 21
4:30 p.m.
Anna will present a dynamic 45 minute piano recital then will work with advanced piano students in a master class.
Hammer and Strings Conservatory
610 N. Gilbert Rd., Ste. 400
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Anna is an internationally acclaimed performing artist and is a winner of the prestigious National Federation of Music Clubs Young Artist Award. Find out more about Anna here.
free event sponsored by the AZFMC!
Workshop: Teaching New Organists
Saturday, September 14
10:00 a.m. – noon
Dr. Valerie Harris will give trips and tricks for teaching new organists young and old. Need to help pianists quickly get comfortable with the organ for church hymn playing? Find out how!
LDS Chandler South Stake Center
3450 S Lindsay Rd, Chandler
free event sponsored by the Central Arizona Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the AZFMC!